2022, 2023 und 2024 hat das Sunglider Team an sehr attraktiven internationalen Wettbewerben teilgenommen. Wir haben dabei weltweit namhafte Preise abgeräumt! Darunter sind der New York Product Design Award als »Product Designer of the Year 2022« und der Deutsche Mobilitätspreis im Bereich Science Fiction. Bemerkenswert ist, dass kein anderes ÖPNV System bisher international jemals so hoch prämiert wurde wie der Sunglider.

Dear Sunglider AG,
It is our pleasure to inform you that your work is a symbol of excellence within the design industry. At the end of our thorough assessment, we have found your work to surpass expectations, as your insights for the present and the future are perfectly materialized in your work. As such, in light of our findings, it is our privilege to declare you as an NY Product Design Awards Designer of the Year winner within the Automotive & Transport - Others category.
On behalf of the NY Product Design Awards, please accept our heartfelt compliments for your astounding achievement, placing you in the eyes of the world to be celebrated. We wish that your brand continues to flourish within the industry and eventually conquer greater heights in the near future. It is our deepest hope that your proficiency continues to grow, for you to be elevated even higher as a paragon of excellence.
Thank you for your participation in the awards. We certainly hope to have you with us again, as you dazzle us with your ingenuity in another cycle.
Kindest Regards,
NY Product Design Awards | International Awards Associate (IAA)

Sunglider gewinnt PLATIN bei den TITAN Innovation Awards
Als "Designer of the Year 2022" freuen wir uns sehr, zum "Innovator of the Year 2023" ausgewählt worden zu sein.